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NETZSCH Future Days

 NETZSCH Future Days


Join us for the NETZSCH Future Days. This virtual event will take place from May 16-19, 2022 and is organized by NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing. Listen to an engaging mix of presentations and interviews in the field of material science. Hear directly from NETZSCH and industry experts on what they consider to be the material challenges of tomorrow, and find out about the solutions NETZSCH can provide to meet these. The following four topics will be discussed with a view to the future: Pharmaceuticals and Life Science, Batteries and Insulation, Smart Manufacturing and Smart Labs, and Additive Manufacturing.


2022. 05.16-  Pharma & Life Science


2022. 05.17-  Batteries & Insulations


2022. 05.18-  Smart Manufacturing & Smart Labs


2022. 05.19-  Additive Manufacturing



Tájékoztatni szeretnénk Önöket, hogy 2023. október 1-től az Austro-Lab kft. székhelye megváltozott.


2112 Veresegyház
Szent Erzsébet körút 14/A. fsz.1.

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